Trezor $ Suite | Set up your Trezor Model One

Trezor Suite desktop app (alternatively you can use Trezor Suite for web) Recovery seed card (and a pen) About 20 minutes Process . Suite will prompt you to connect your device. .

To begin, click on Start: Your Trezor will display the 'Authenticate device' screen; press 'Allow' (right button) to continue. After successful device authentication, click on Continue: Suite will then show the 'Know your Trezor' screen; this step lets you get familiar with how to use your new Trezor Safe 3: Follow the tutorial on your Trezor. Suite settings: Application, Device and Crypto. This part of Trezor Suite allows you to access the following: Application settings: This section allows you to set some features of the interface, such as which fiat currency to display, enable or disable Labeling, use Dark mode, reset the app, enable Tor, and check which version of Trezor Suite you are using.

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